Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Does Loss Of Cervical Lordosis Mean What Does It Mean To Have A Loss Of Normal Cervical Lordosis?

What does it mean to have a loss of normal cervical lordosis? - what does loss of cervical lordosis mean

I have X-rays in the neck, because I am very worried worried about the last two weeks and said he had a loss of normal cervical lordosis. I just want to know what it means.


essentia... said...

Lordosis refers to the natural curvature of the spine, the vertebrae of the neck were the natural curvature, which means that the bones of the neck are pressing in areas that are not normal and therefore you are in pain.

Vahid said...

A normal, healthy cervical lordosis was low. In fact, all areas of spinal curves, which have all help to keep the body in balance.

The curve of the neck forward in the head. A head position has been a negative impact on cosmetics. It can also be much more difficult than that which limits their mobility, resulting in pain and in extreme cases, leading to paralysis or death.

To the normal curve in your neck of the cervix to keep all structures must be strong.

The strength of the vortex lays his head on the neck.
Solid tissue resists the weight of the head, as it tends to look forward, because any gravity.
Back muscles (including the neck) also bear the weight of the head fall forward.

Definition of cervical kyphosis:
Cervical kyphosis is a name for the condition in which the normal course of the neck begins to recover.

The causes of cervical kyphosis:
The wear of degenerative disc disease weakens the spine, whose mission is to support the head. Over time, created orE head posture advance. This in turn leads to the normal lordosis of the neck, which was lost. The result is that the neck begins to stiffen.
traumatic injuries such as whiplash, compression fractures or iatrogenic injuries.
systemic tell

Detection and diagnosis of cervical kyphosis:
Cervical kyphosis can be detected on a radiograph. (In an X-Ray is easy to see where the line of the neck bones in a straight line or curve). An X-ray appears:

Disc degeneration
Other problems

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